Access to Parent Courses, for those who have completed Group Facilitator training. This package includes access to the:

  • Confident Parent Course, 4-part parenting course, full video version
  • Confident Parent Course group facilitator highlights version, to deliver the facilitated version of the course
  • Cultivating Confident Parenting, 1-part parenting course
  • Online support, group mentoring session, community hub, resource library and live webinars.

The highlights package of the Confident Parent Course includes role plays, introduction to the key idea and research, plus a short case study, with 30-45 minutes of video for each of the four course parts. Facilitators will then encourage deeper reflection and discussion. The full video version includes around 1 hour of content for each session.

Facilitators can present the courses as often as they like in the 12 month period.

Parent Course facilitator package | without training

  • AUD $490.00 (Incl. GST)

    12 months access

    Sign Up
  • AUD $220.00 (Incl. GST)

    3 months access

    Sign Up

Faith based option

  • AUD $490.00 (Incl. GST)

    Faith based: 12 months access

    Sign Up
  • AUD $220.00 (Incl. GST)

    Faith based: 3 months access

    Sign Up

Group Facilitator Training

Before purchasing these courses, you will need to complete the training in Family Systems theory and facilitator training to support parents who undertake these courses.