A research-based, clinical intervention program for those who work with children, parents and families.

Train to use the Parent Hope manualised program. This research-based clinical intervention helps parents to make a positive project out of themselves and reduce their anxious focus on their children/young people. Based on Bowen family systems research, developed by Dr Jenny Brown. Read more about the program here.

The training starts with the theory course: Family Systems and Symptoms in Children. This is followed by Level 1 training where the manual is introduced with 15 hours of intensive training. This is followed by supervision sessions and a final case assignment.

The Level 2 training training includes using the manuals in a group format and the extension program for parents. There is an intensive 7 hours of training, followed by a supervision session, and final case assignment. Online support is provided with live webinars with trainers, community hub and a resource library.

You are able to advertise as a Parent Hope Clinician after completion of Level 2, and can list on our website. 

Sign up for Level 1 and 2 training