A research-based, clinical intervention program for those who work with children, parents and families - helping parents to make a positive project out of themselves and reduce their anxious focus on their children/young people

About Level 2 training - Become a Parent Hope Clinician

Extend your learning in using the Parent Hope manualised program with this in-depth online training. It includes training to use the group format and the extension program for parents. 

You are able to advertise as a Parent Hope Clinician after completion, and can list on our website. This training comes after the Level 1 training package, and is designed to be completed over two months with access to the course for three months.

The online course starts with an intensive 8 hours of training, originally filmed as one day of group training. We recommend you complete these 8 hours in a two-week timeframe. 

Following the intensive, trainees continue to use the manualized program with parents and trial a parent group. Trainees have access to a supervision group recording about extension sessions with parents. Online support is provided with live webinars with trainers, community hub and resource library.

At completion, trainees have the option to continue to access online support and resources, and list as a Parent Hope Clinician on our website.

Pricing options

Prerequisites - please complete Level 1 training before enrolling in Level 2.

What to expect

  • The course contains video content of the training, with interactive content of short surveys and quizzes.
  • The presentations will regularly have a break to pause and reflect, where you can submit reflections on the training material before proceeding to the next section.
  • Some sections will pause for you to practice the use of the manuals actively. You will get more out of the training if you break to find someone to role play with before resuming the course.
  • At the end of the course, there is an assignment to submit where you reflect on a case example.
  • You will have access to our learning hub to connect with other trainees and ask questions, along with the resource library and live webinars for support.

Course curriculum

    1. Confirm completion of Level 1 Professional Training

    2. Download the Workbook for Level 2 Professional Training

    3. Community Learning Hub and Further Information

    1. Introductory Survey

    2. Initial Learning Objective Assignment

    3. Learning Hub Reflections

    4. Part 1: Revision of guiding principles & change process

    5. Pause and Reflect

    6. Part 2: Managing self as a parent coach

    7. Pause and Reflect

    8. Part 3: The anxiety of progress

    9. Pause and Reflect

    10. Part 4: Variations in parents capacities

    11. Pause and Reflect

    12. Part 5: Group discussion

    1. Part 1: Demonstration role play - the anxious parent

    2. Pause and Reflect

    3. Part 2: Practice role play - Keeping on track

    4. Pause and Reflect

    5. Part 3: Discussion

    6. Learning Hub Reflections

    1. Part 1: Review session & part 2 option

    2. Pause and Reflect

    3. Part 2: Extension questions and family of origin exploration (part 3 starts in this section at 7:54)

    4. Pause and Reflect

    5. Part 3: Role play extension questions (currently in part 2- 7:54 )

    6. Pause and Reflect

    7. Part 4: Discussion of review session

    8. Pause and Reflect

    1. Part 1: Group Role Play

    2. Pause and Reflect

    3. Part 2: Discussion of Group process - Parent Project resources - Bowen's therapy principles

    4. Pause and Reflect

    5. Part 3: Theory as a guide and setting a pilot project

    6. Pause and Reflect

    7. Part 4: Wrap Up

    8. Quiz

    9. Survey

    1. Supervision Session 5, Review & Group

    2. Supervision Session 5 Reflection

    3. Survey

    4. End of Course 4 Assignment

About this course

  • $384.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content