A research-based, clinical intervention program for those who work with children, parents and families.

Train to use the Parent Hope manualised program. This research-based clinical intervention helps parents to make a positive project out of themselves and reduce their anxious focus on their children/young people. Based on Bowen family systems research, developed by Dr Jenny Brown. Read more here.

Designed to be completed over four months with access to the course for five months. In this training package, the prerequisite training is discounted 50%.

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About the training package

The Level 1 training package begins with two theory courses. Course 1 is optional: Research and the development of the Parent Hope Project. Course 2: Family systems understanding of symptom development in children, outlines the theory behind the program.

The Level 1 training course then starts with 16 hours of training in the manualised program, and how to use it. This was filmed as two days of group training, and we encourage you to watch this training over four-weeks. The videos include demonstrations and role-plays, and the online platform includes interactive learning and reflections. You can watch the videos in segments flexibly to fit your schedule. At the end of the initial training section, there is a reflective assignment.

You can then start piloting the manuals with parents and view four recorded supervision sessions. The final assignment is a reflection on using the program with a client. There is ongoing support through a trainee question hub, monthly live webinars, and access to a resource library including past webinars.

To become a Parent Hope Clinician, you will need complete the Level 2 training. This is a shorter course that extends your learning in using the manuals, including to groups, and allows you to advertise and list with us as a Parent Hope Clinician.

Professional Training Reviews

5 star rating

Engaging, clear, giving hope and a sense of a path

Marina Titeva

Everything is very useful and very well thought through, very well written and the graphics are wonderful so I can orient easily. It gives information of wh...

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Everything is very useful and very well thought through, very well written and the graphics are wonderful so I can orient easily. It gives information of whats to be expected.

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