Support parents in your community

The Confident Parent Course helps parents move from worry about their child, to confidence in their parenting. It introduces parents to family systems ideas; when parents make a project out of themselves rather than anxiously focusing on their child, this supports children's wellbeing.

The group facilitated version of the course is delivered with video highlights and facilitated discussion. This package trains you to deliver the course.

Package includes 12 months access to

Training resources: theory course Family Systems and Symptoms in Children. This is followed by the Facilitator Training in how to deliver the course, answer questions and facilitate discussion. The facilitator training video is of a live training event recorded on zoom, while the streaming resources are filmed to professional quality. 15.5 hours of training included, along with learning hub, online support with webinars and a resource library.

Streaming resources: The 4-part Confident Parent Course -  full video version, along with the 'highlights' version to use when facilitating the course, this includes a role play, description of key concepts, discussion questions, a workbook for parents and speaking notes for the facilitator. The one-part Cultivating Confident Parenting Course is also included.

Sign up to the facilitator training and psychoeducation package

Psychoeducation package for future years